A word about squirrels.....

We are often asked if our Timmynoggys are squirrel proof. Truth is, nothing is if a squirrel decides that they are interested in what you have. If you are planning to use a Timmynoggy to hang a bird feeder, you are going to be dealing with squirrels on your hanger. As long as the seed feeder is of at least 7 pounds for our standard Timmynoggy, it should hold up to a curious squirrel. However, if they are startled, or in a rough-housing game with their kin on who can get to the food first, there is a good chance that they will knock your feeder and Timmynoggy to the ground. Seeds on the ground are much easier than seeds in the air to them. We do have little clips that we provide on request that will secure a Timmnynoggy to a post BUT they will require a screw be screwed into your wood and unless you wire or zip tie the feeder at the end, the squirrel population will probably manage to knock the feeder down while your Timmynoggy stays put. The bird feeder community is full of potential solutions and inventions to combat this but truth is, there is not much you can do to deter them once they find your feeder. We hear using safflower seeds works and they don't care for those, but I've not tested the theory yet. If you have a solution that works for you, please email us. We are happy to pass it on!
- Mechele Cummins